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fireEvent is a method on NgtTestBed that allows us to fire events on any element in the scene graph.

fireEvent(element, eventName, eventData)

fireEvent accepts three arguments:

  • element is the element to fire the event on
  • eventName is the name of the event to fire. Must be events that are supported by Angular Three events system.
  • eventData is an optional object that contains the event data
const { fireEvent } = NgtTestBed.create(SceneGraph);
await fireEvent(mesh, 'click');
await fireEvent(mesh, 'pointerover');

fireEvent.setAutoDetectChanges(auto: boolean)

After firing an event, a Change Detection is needed with fixture.detectChanges() to flush any changes that may have occurred (e.g: signal state changes).

fireEvent does this automatically, but we can disable it by calling fireEvent.setAutoDetectChanges(false).

const { fixture, fireEvent } = NgtTestBed.create(SceneGraph);
await fireEvent(mesh, 'click');
await fireEvent(mesh, 'pointerover');

Example Scenario

For this example, we will use fireEvent to fire pointerover, pointerout, and click events on the cube and assert the cube’s state after each event.

import { NgtTestBed } from 'angular-three/testing';
describe('SceneGraph', () => {
it('should render', async () => {
const { scene, fireEvent, advance } = NgtTestBed.create(SceneGraph);
const mesh = scene.children[0] as Mesh;
await fireEvent(mesh, 'pointerover');
await fireEvent(mesh, 'pointerout');
await fireEvent(mesh, 'click');
expect(mesh.scale.toArray()).toEqual([1.5, 1.5, 1.5]);

Last but not least, we will use advance to test the animations.