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Constraint Functions

Angular Three Cannon provides various constraint functions to create different types of physical constraints between bodies. These functions are used to limit and control the relative movement of physics bodies.

Available Constraint Functions

All constraint functions are available from angular-three-cannon/constraint:

import {
} from 'angular-three-cannon/constraint';


The general pattern for using these functions is:

import { Component, ElementRef, viewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { injectHinge } from 'angular-three-cannon/constraint';
import { NgtMesh } from 'angular-three';
selector: 'app-hinge-constraint',
template: `
<ngt-mesh #bodyA>
<!-- Mesh for body A -->
<ngt-mesh #bodyB>
<!-- Mesh for body B -->
export class HingeConstraint {
bodyA = viewChild.required<ElementRef<THREE.Mesh>>('bodyA');
bodyB = viewChild.required<ElementRef<THREE.Mesh>>('bodyB');
hingeConstraint = injectHinge(
pivotA: [1, 0, 0],
pivotB: [-1, 0, 0],
axisA: [0, 1, 0],
axisB: [0, 1, 0],

Constraint Functions

FunctionDescriptionSpecific Options
injectPointToPointCreates a point-to-point constraintpivotA, pivotB
injectConeTwistCreates a cone twist constraintpivotA, pivotB, axisA, axisB
injectDistanceCreates a distance constraintdistance
injectLockCreates a lock constraintmaxForce
injectHingeCreates a hinge constraintpivotA, pivotB, axisA, axisB

Common Options

All constraint functions accept two bodies as the first two arguments, followed by an options object. Common options include:

pivotA[x: number, y: number, z: number]The pivot point for body A in local space
pivotB[x: number, y: number, z: number]The pivot point for body B in local space
axisA[x: number, y: number, z: number]The axis for body A (for certain constraints)
axisB[x: number, y: number, z: number]The axis for body B (for certain constraints)
maxForcenumberThe maximum force that can be applied to maintain the constraint

Specific Options

PointToPoint Constraint

  • No additional specific options

ConeTwist Constraint

  • angle: number - The maximum cone angle in radians
  • twistAngle: number - The maximum twist angle in radians

Distance Constraint

  • distance: number - The fixed distance between the bodies

Lock Constraint

  • No additional specific options

Hinge Constraint

  • collideConnected: boolean - Whether the connected bodies should collide with each other

Advanced Usage

You can dynamically control constraints using the returned API:

import { Component, ElementRef, viewChild, signal } from '@angular/core';
import { injectHinge } from 'angular-three-cannon/constraint';
import { NgtMesh } from 'angular-three';
selector: 'app-hinge-constraint',
template: `
<ngt-mesh #bodyA>
<!-- Mesh for body A -->
<ngt-mesh #bodyB>
<!-- Mesh for body B -->
<button (click)="toggleMotor()">Toggle Motor</button>
export class HingeConstraint {
bodyA = viewChild.required<ElementRef<THREE.Mesh>>('bodyA');
bodyB = viewChild.required<ElementRef<THREE.Mesh>>('bodyB');
motorEnabled = signal(false);
hingeConstraint = injectHinge(
pivotA: [1, 0, 0],
pivotB: [-1, 0, 0],
axisA: [0, 1, 0],
axisB: [0, 1, 0],
toggleMotor() {
const api = this.hingeConstraint();
if (api) {
if (this.motorEnabled()) {
} else {
this.motorEnabled.update(value => !value);

This example demonstrates how to toggle a motor on a hinge constraint, showing the advanced control you have over constraints during runtime.