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injectLoader is a utility function that abstracts the process of loading 3D assets.

It accepts:

  • A function that returns a THREE.Loader constructor
  • A function that returns a string or string[]
  • An option object that accepts the following properties:
    • extensions: A function that accepts a THREE.Loader and returns nothing. It is used to extend the loader with additional functionality.
    • onLoad: A function that accepts the loaded data and returns nothing. It is called after the loader has finished loading the data.
    • onProgress: A function that accepts a ProgressEvent and returns nothing. It is called when the loader emits a progress event.
    • injector: An Injector instance. It is used to set the Injection Context for the loader
import { injectLoader } from 'angular-three';
template: `
@if (gltfResult(); as gltf) {
<ngt-primitive *args="[gltf.scene]" />
export class Experience {
gltfResult = injectLoader(() => GLTFLoader, () => 'path/to/model.glb');